Inspired by an image that a friend shared
with me with a beautiful text that said:
If they don't want to see,
don't turn on the light,
you will damage their eyes.
If they don't want to listen,
don't raise your voice
you will hurt their conscience.
If they don't want to walk,
do not provide support,
they will bleed your steps.
Their awakening is not yours,
it is exclusively theirs.
If at any time you made
their pain your pain, let go,
it is not yours.
Be lovingly selfish,
quietly patient, friendly distant.
Don 't get lost in it.
Re-find and be happy,
because you are still you.
Inspirada en una imagen que una amiga
me compartió con un texto hermoso
(del que no sé la autoría) que dice:
Si no quiere ver,
no le enciendas la luz,
dañarás sus ojos.
Si no quiere escuchar,
no levantes la voz,
lastimarás su conciencia.
Si no quiere caminar,
no le proporciones apoyo,
sangrarán sus pasos.
Su despertar no es tuyo,
es exclusivamente suyo.
Si en algún momento hiciste
de su dolor tu dolor, suelta,
no te pertenece.
Sé amorosamente egoísta,
silenciosamente paciente,
amigablemente distante.
No te pierdas en ello.
Re-encuéntrate y alégrate,
porque tú sigues siendo tú.